Sunday, July 31, 2016

Be kind to one another

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Sometimes not saying anything is the best course of action. Especially when it involves asking about something as unimportant as a blemish, a scratch mark, bruise or cut. Yet in our instant gratification, need to know society, it’s amazing the insensitivity we can muster at another’s expense.

Now I have a friend I can hear saying “you just need to let that stuff go.” And most times I do let unappreciated comments roll off my back. But after two weeks of having people, mostly grown men, ask me about a blemish I have struggled with on my very conspicuous forehead, my “let it go” reflex is shot. Kaput! Gone. Long gone… my feelings are more than hurt.

If I had the flexibility to just go to bed until all was well, by golly I would have done it. But like most people, I have to work. I am also very active in my community with volunteer and service efforts. I enjoy an active lifestyle so I have tried to “stiff upper lip it” and persevere.

After all it’s just a zit! I have struggled with cystic acne throughout my adult life.  Not to bore you with my personal hygiene, but I regularly visit the dermatologist and use medicines to keep the beast, as it were, at bay. And occasionally I will get a nasty one that defies the topical creams and becomes a monster that can hurt physically and mentally, thanks to the seemingly clever quips people can come up with to inquire about my forehead.

“Did somebody hit you?”  “Is it Lent? Looks like you just came from an Ash Wednesday service.” And today’s latest inquiry – “are you becoming a Hindu?” – by a member of my own church. Fortunately I was able to manage a quick retort, “No. But thanks so much for asking!” Not the Christian, forgiving high ground remark I should have made, but the kicked dog barked.

I’ve had accidents where I have done something stupid and have the “war wounds” to prove it. I’m usually more than willing to share those stories where my lack of agility or judgment at a certain point in time has caused a visible injury that all want to know about. I can laugh at myself with the best of them and am known for dishing it right back out…until I get to a point where I can’t. And then I recoil like a turtle going back into its hard shell, except I don’t have the luxury of having a shell.

Maybe you guys can handle the jabs about the errant razor nick or the scab from hitting your follically-challenged head on an inanimate object. After all, I am a member of the supposedly- weaker sex. It’s not that I don’t want your compassion or caring for my current life situation. I would just like you to be a little more considerate in your inquiries.

If anything, the remarks of the past two weeks have given me a not-so-subtle reminder that words can and do hurt. I need to be equally vigilant in keeping my tongue in-check and not causing undo harm to those I care about with insensitive comments or questions.

So next time you come across someone whose appearance is slightly different than how you usually remember it, please keep your cute comments to yourself. If the person wants to share the gory details about this temporary inconvenience, she will tell you. But maybe giving that person a warm handshake and a simple “it’s good to see you today”  is all the medicine that’s required.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Pulling my small foot from my big mouth

I like to talk... and most of the time that's a good thing. But when it isn't it stinks! And even worse is when you hurt someone's feelings because your mind isn't fast enough to shut your mouth down before you lash out a spew of uncaring, insensitive remarks faster than a volcano erupts. Ugh...

"Be gentle with yourself and others... for we are the dwelling place of the Most High."

I always loved hearing my friend Phil Purser share this message at the end of church services when he was my priest. It's a wonderful reminder that we are called to love one another and that taking care of each other is really a way to glorify God.

I keep this note on my phone so I can look at it when I need to pull myself up from getting knocked down by someone I care about. Today I am looking at it because I was the person who delivered the punch, selfishly worrying more about MY feelings than the ones being shared with me by my friend.

I have apologized profusely, and forgiveness has been granted. It's not the first dust up, nor will it be the last. But that's the beauty of God's grace - that sins are forgiven if we just ask. And it's important to remember that no matter the injury, His mercy will bring us back into communion with those we care about.

I am not perfect, and neither is my friend. But through grace and mercy we will continue on... for a very long time I hope!